Milk It
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Hello grasshoppers, good morning is currently 8:35 am i thought you should all know anyways so starting off with today's topic recently my friend put me on to the
term "MILK IT" and this has made me realize that based off this term is how i want to experience my life rn because doing certain things at 20s its just NOT the vibe
certain experiences are only meant to be experienced in your TEENAGE YEARS so ill tell you guys more about it but before ill give you the meaning of the term in
case some of you did not know "taking more time or advantage than you're really due because you can get away with it." - urban dictionary you can apply this to every
aspect of your life. such a great time to make mistakes, fail, trying, and be unapologetic that's why heartbreaks are such a good thing to have on your teenage years and
most of the time ofc we dont see it this way because no one likes a heartbreak ofc, but you can romanticize this situation mascara running down your face aesthetic, lana
del rey, impulsive and immature decisions etc so u can exploit this life lesson in the best young way possible there's so much to learn when you are young like this that its
needed to romanticize any lesson life gives you at any age but especially during the teenage years where you have no consequences you can lit start a business rn and risk
it, you can drop out school and try something new you can do so many things since we dont have as much responsibilities as a mid 20s would have and get away with it u
can go wild π and thats so cute i love teenage years ughhhhhh soooo katy perry anyways so start milking every aspect of your life RN!!! -mariahcareyxoxo